Friday, May 3, 2013

Simon and Martina

Any Nasties in the house? If there are you might recognize these dolls. They were opened in Simon and Matina's most recent live chat on May 3. I was so excited for them to get the dolls because I had a lot of fun making them.

 Martina was the first one I finished and that was a slightly labor intensive process since I made the decision to French braid felt and then I decided to also embroider her feet tattoos for an extra bit of awesome.

The first braid was so hard and I was cursing myself the whole time for attempting it, even though I knew it would look really cool in the end. The second one was a lot easier though since I had figured out what the heck I was doing. As I was braiding I thought that the Joon Pyo doll had finally met its match in the hair department, but Martina did get easier while Joon Pyo sucked until I took out that final pin.

Simon's doll actually ended up being harder to make than Martina's if you can believe that. He looks so deceptively simple. Mohawks are kind of hard though because the lines have to be straight and the felt has to stick up.

His shirt was also rather difficult. The finished product is actually the second one that I did because the first was awful. It was crooked and the colors I chose were bad. This one came out pretty good though.

My one regret about the Simon doll is that the mohawk isn't red and I didn't put designs on the side of his head. I had it all planned out, but I had noticed that he wasn't rocking that hair style so I decided not to do it. I think that I will be forever sad about that.

The owners of these dolls are (of course) Simon and Martina of Eat Your Kimchi. Go check them out!

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